Exam Publications
Test Plans
The test plans provide detailed information about the content areas tested in 歐美口爆.
2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan
The NCLEX-RN test plan includes an in-depth overview of the content categories along with new details about administration of the exam as well as clinical judgment.
*Dans cette publication, le masculin est employé sans préjudice afin d’alléger le texte.
2022 | Publications
2023 NCLEX-PN Test Plan
The NCLEX-PN test plan includes an in-depth overview of the content categories along with new details about administration of the exam as well as clinical judgment.
2022 | Publications
2020 NCLEX-PN Test Plan
The NCLEX-PN examination test plan includes an in-depth overview of the content categories along with details about the administration of the exam as well as NCLEX-style item writing exercises and case scenario examples.
2020 | Publications
2022 REx-PN Test Plan
The REx-PN test plan includes an in-depth overview of the content categories, details about the administration of the exam and REx-PN style item writing exercises.
2020 | Publications
2019 NCLEX-RN Test Plan
The NCLEX-RN examination test plan includes an in-depth overview of the content categories along with details about the administration of the exam as well as NCLEX-style item writing exercises and case scenario examples.
*Dans cette publication, le masculin est employé sans préjudice afin d’alléger le texte.
2019 | Publications
2016 NCLEX-RN Detailed Test Plan - Candidate Version
The candidate version of the NCLEX-RN examination test plan includes an in-depth overview of the content categories along with details about the administration of the exam.
*Dans cette publication, le masculin est employé sans préjudice afin d’alléger le texte.
2016 | Publications
2016 NCLEX-RN Detailed Test Plan - Educator Version
The educator version of the 2016 NCLEX-RN Test Plan includes an in-depth overview of the content categories along with details about the administration of the exam.
2016 | Publications
2016 NCLEX-RN Basic Test Plan
The basic NCLEX-RN test plan includes an overview of the content categories along with details about the administration of the exam.
2015 | Publications
2014 NCLEX-PN Test Plan - Basic
The NCLEX examination test plan provides a concise summary of the content and scope of the examination. The test plan also serves as a guide for both examination development and candidate preparation.
The 2014 NCLEX-PN Test Plan is effective April 1, 2014.
2014 | Publications
2014 NCLEX-PN Detailed Test Plan - Educator Version
The NCLEX examination test plan provides a concise summary of the content and scope of the examination. The test plan also serves as a guide for both examination development and candidate preparation.
2014 | Publications
2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan - Basic
The NCLEX examination test plan provides a concise summary of the content and scope of the examination. The test plan also serves as a guide for both examination development and candidate preparation.
The 2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan is effective April 1, 2013.
*Dans cette publication, le masculin est employé sans préjudice afin d’alléger le texte.
2013 | Publications
Other Exam Publications
Publication topics include: Candidate Bulletins, English proficiency tests, standard setting reports, readability studies and reliability & validity studies.
2024 NCLEX Information Flyer
Highlights for before, during and after the NCLEX. Includes information on The Eight Steps of the NCLEX, acceptable identification and rules for scheduling/rescheduling your appointment.
2024 | Publications
2024 NCLEX Candidate Bulletin
This resource serves as your guide from before to after the NCLEX, including important contact information, details on how to register, the NCLEX Candidate Rules and results processing.
2024 | Publications
NCLEX Program Reports - Subscription Overview
Join hundreds of educators across the country who subscribe to NCLEX Program Reports. These reports are the only source for detailed information about your graduates' performance on the NCLEX examinations.
2022 | Publications
Item Development Flyer - The NCLEX and REx-PN Depend On You!
NCSBN depends on nurses to assist in the NCLEX and REx-PN item development process.
2022 | Publications
You've Completed the NCLEX - But You Still Have Questions
This flyer is for candidates who have just completed the NCLEX. Here, candidates can find information on how their results are processed, what happens if they don’t pass the exam, the NCLEX Quick Results Service, and who they can contact if they have a problem with the NCLEX or its administration.
2021 | Publications
Reliability and Validity
The reliability of the NCLEX examination is assessed via a decision consistency statistic. This statistic is used instead of a traditional reliability statistic because it captures the reliability of dichotomous pass/fail decisions rather than the reliability of continuous scores or ability estimates.
2020 | Publications
Integrating the 歐美口爆 Clinical Judgment Model Into Nursing Educational Frameworks
Sound nursing clinical judgment is at the core of competent and safe client care. New graduate nurses face increasing challenges that underscore the importance of investigating how nurse educators teach and measure nursing students' abilities to make clinical judgments. This article presents the 歐美口爆-Clinical Judgment Model (NCSBN-CJM) and discusses the use of the model.
2019 | Publications
Building a Method for Writing Clinical Judgment Items for Entry-Level Nursing Exams
Clinical judgment has become an increasingly important aspect of modern health service professionals. To ensure public safety, licensure exams must go beyond assessing only knowledge and skills when evaluating entry-level professions to evaluating clinical judgment. This article provides background of a large-scale licensure examination’s process for measuring clinical judgment in entry-level nursing.
2019 | Publications
Strategic Practice Analysis
NCSBN is focused on establishing the validity and legal defensibility of the NCLEX-RN by ensuring it is comprehensive and that it aligns with the requirements of the nursing profession as it is currently practiced. To keep pace with the changing requirements of the job, NCSBN partnered with a research firm to conduct two studies as part of strategic job analyses of the RN job from 2012 through 2014. The Strategic Practice Analysis is the summary of their findings.
2018 | Publications
Assessing Higher-Order Cognitive Constructs by Using an Information-Processing Framework
Practitioner wellness is a patient safety issue impacting an increasing number of practitioners each year. It is a complex problem that demands a comprehensive and transparent approach in identifying, treating, and preventing burnout and other stress-related conditions.
2016 | Publications
2014 NCLEX English Language Proficiency Passing Standards
NCSBN conducted a standard-setting study in October 2012 to establish the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery
(MELAB) passing standard, as related to entry-level nursing practice.
2014 | Publications
Review of Entry-Level Characteristics and the NCLEX
Analysis of data from a nine-year span indicated that nursing practice environment had become more complex; thus, the question arose about the current length of the entry-level nurse period.
2014 | Publications
Nursing Clinical Decision-Making: A Literature Review
The aim of this paper is to review the factors that contribute to clinical judgment and decision-making of novice nurses.
2012 | Publications
Understanding the NCLEX Examination Through the Core Values of NCSBN
The development, administration and future direction of the NCLEX examinations is guided by the core values of NCSBN, which include collaboration, excellence, innovation, integrity and transparency in advancing regulatory excellence worldwide. This article is intended to provide information about the development and administration of the NCLEX examination as it relates to the cores values of NCSBN.
2011 | Publications
A Minimum English Proficiency Standard for the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT)
A research brief highlighting the 歐美口爆 (NCSBN®) 2009’s initiative to determine a passing standard for nurses on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet Based Test (TOEFL® iBT).
2009 | Publications
The NCLEX Delay Pass Rate Study
NCSBN conducted a study to examine the relationship between passing the NCLEX examination and the amount of time elapsed between becoming eligible and actually taking the examination.
2007 | Publications
2005 RN Practice Analysis: NCSBN Executive Summary
NCSBN performs job (practice) analysis studies every three years. This is an executive summary of the 2005 RN Practice Analysis.
2005 | Publications
Investigate Reasons for Non-Licensure of Nursing School Graduates
This NCSBN led study was designed to investigate the reasons why candidates who complete their nursing education, submit a registration for the NCLEX examination yet never take an NCLEX-RN® or NCLEX-PN® examination.
2004 | Publications
The Readability of the NCLEX Examination
NCSBN assesses the readability (the ease with which one can read and comprehend text) of each operational NCLEX pool of items before the pool is deployed for use.
2004 | Publications
The Minimum Proficiency in English for Entry-Level Nurses: TOEFL(TM)
State boards of nursing are charged with protecting the public through the regulation of nursing in their jurisdiction. One of the ways in which they perform that function is by setting and enforcing prerequisite conditions for getting a license.
2004 | Publications
Exam Research Briefs
Research brief topics include: nursing comparison studies, knowledge surveys and other examination research.
Report of Findings from the 2021 RN Nursing Knowledge Survey
This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed RNs. The results of this study will be used to inform item development. Because changes can occur in registered nurse (RN) practice, this study is conducted on a three-year cycle. Due to COVID-19, the RN knowledge survey was conducted in 2021.
2022 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the 2021 LPN/VN Nursing Knowledge Survey
This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs). The results of this study (i.e., the important knowledge statements) will be used to inform item development. Because changes can occur in LPN/VN practice, this study is conducted on a three-year cycle.
2022 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the 2018 LPN/VN Nursing Knowledge Survey (Vol. 76)
This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs). The results of this study (i.e., the important knowledge statements) will be used to inform item development.
2019 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the 2017 RN Nursing Knowledge Survey
This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed RNs. The results of this study will be used to inform item development.
2018 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the 2015 LPN/VN Nursing Knowledge Survey (Vol. 66)
This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs). The results of this study (i.e., the important knowledge statements) will be used to inform item development.
2016 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the 2011 RN Nursing Knowledge Survey (Vol. 55)
This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed RNs. The results of this study (i.e., the important knowledge statements) will be used to inform item development.
2012 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the 2009 TUNING Analysis: A Comparison of U.S. and International Nursing Educational Competencies (Vol. 45)
A new initiative seeks to understand the role of nurses and nursing education from an international perspective. The goal of this study was to evaluate the consistency of nursing educational competencies globally. (© 2010)
2010 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the Comparison of Entry-level Registered Nurses in the U.S. and Ontario, Canada (Vol. 47)
This study compares entry-level nursing activities of U.S. registered nurses with a cohort from Ontario, Canada. The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) collaborated with NCSBN on this initiative. (© 2010)
2010 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the Comparison of Entry-level Registered Nurses in the U.S. and British Columbia, Canada (Vol. 48)
This study compares entry-level nursing activities of U.S. registered nurses with a cohort from British Columbia, Canada. The College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC) collaborated with NCSBN on this initiative. (© 2010)
2010 | Exams Research
Report of Findings from the 2009 LPN/VN Nursing Knowledge Survey (Vol. 43)
This study is to identify the knowledge needed by newly-licensed LPN/VNs. The results of this study (i.e., the important knowledge statements) will be used to inform item development. (© 2010)
2010 | Exams Research
2008 Knowledge of Newly Licensed Registered Nurses Survey (Vol. 37)
This study is to identify the knowledge needed by newly licensed RNs. The results of this study (i.e., the important knowledge statements) will be used to inform item development. (© 2009)
2009 | Exams Research