
Exam User Members

The Exam User member category was approved by a Delegate Assembly resolution in 2017 for nursing regulatory bodies (NRBs) outside the U.S. that use the prelicensure exam developed by NCSBN.

To become an NCSBN Exam User member, an organization must:

  • Have an organization mandate exclusively related to the regulation of the profession and protection of the public
  • Use the pre-licensure exam developed by NCSBN

Contact an Exam User Member

Benefits to becoming an Exam User member of NCSBN include, but are not limited to:

  • Ability to participate in the development of the NCLEX Examination
  • Access to comprehensive "Members Only" website
  • Access to a multitude of online course offerings
  • Access to NCSBN publications such as white papers, newsletters and brochures
  • Networking conference calls for Executive Officers and Presidents
  • Education, discipline, practice and policy knowledge network conference calls

Exam User members will have one voting delegate at Delegate Assembly. These members shall be eligible to serve, if appointed, on all NCSBN committees with full voting rights as committee members. Exam User members are eligible to serve on the NCSBN Board of Directors, if elected, as Director-at-Large.

Organizations interested in becoming an Exam User member of NCSBN must first to the NCSBN Member Engagement department for consideration. Applications are considered by the NCSBN Delegate Assembly each year at its Annual Meeting. Upon approval, Exam User members will be required to execute a member agreement as well as pay an annual membership fee. Payment of annual dues is required in order to maintain membership in NCSBN.

For questions or additional information, please with the NCSBN Member Enagement department.

Members are also granted access to private pages on ncsbn.org.